Wednesday 26 November 2014

Costume Design

When it came to hair and make-up, I decided that I wanted to use bright colours on the body, however have relatively plain, straight outfits, hence why I have chosen the a line dresses; these reflect the typical 60s style. This meant that I wanted to have more focus on the eye make-up as well as the hair, so instead of just doing typical winged eyeliner, I decided that I wanted to make the eyes as big and as bold as possible. To do this, I researched the most well known model of the 1960s called Twiggy, and looked closely at how boldly and brightly her eye make-up was done. I found both pictures and a YouTube tutorial to make sure that I am getting it as close to Twiggy's look as possible: I also decided that I wanted to go big with the hair, and again decided that I wanted to go for a typical 1960s hairstyle, and, at that time, it would have been a large beehive. I did, however decide upon doing a slightly smaller beehive so that the attention was drawn towards the eye make-up. I again found both pictures and a YouTube tutorial on how to create it:

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Social Class and Demographics


What is demographics? Demographics are measurable characteristics of media consumers such as age, gender, race, education and income level. They are characteristics and statistical information that distinguish a group of people. These characteristics commonly include age, gender, ethnicity, occupation, interests and other quantifiable criteria. A business' target demographic captures the group of people at which their products or services are aimed. By looking at these characteristics of an audience, it helps us understand how to target a product, it helps to differentiate how to appeal directly to an audience. The Google definition of 'demographics' is: statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it.

Colour Scheme Ideas