Monday 19 January 2015

Contents Page Production #1

This was the first step in the production of my contents page, and, to start with, I decided upon choosing a totally different text for my title. Once I had chosen the text, called 'Park Lane' from, I decided that I did like this font better than the one I had originally used on my front cover, so I have decided to, when I start editing my front cover to make it a more vintage style, use that font so it fits with my genre more than the current one does. I have also found 2 other texts from that I think fit with the vintage theme much more, and these are 'Bellrose' and 'Fotnleroy Brown', which I thought looked more vintage than the others that I used. After this, I added another photo of Helena from more pictures that I took; I edited the colouring on so that the colouring looked more vintage - I added more blue and golden tones than bright green style tones so that it fitted into my style more. I then played around with the area I wanted to put my picture in, and then I decided that I would base it on a Vogue magazine contents page that usually situate's its pictures to the top left.

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