The audience that I chose were, in particular, teenagers aged 14-around about the age of 30; so quite a wide range. This meant that I had to cater to a teenagers and an adults needs, which meant that I had to think carefully about what mise-en-scene/text formats I used. I decided upon this age range for my target audience as I believed that they would be the sort of people who would read a sixties magazine; many teenagers in this generation are choosing to listen to older, more vintage style music, and this could possibly through personal choice or through the music their parents listen to, hence why adults are also my target audience.
A while back, I created a reader profile. In this, I included many aspects of mise-en-scene that I thought related to my target audience, and this is pictures, colours and text, however I decided to change the typical Mod colour scheme of red, white and blue to yellow, white and black due to the colours my artist was wearing. Some aspects of mise-en-scene that I included were things like Lambrettas, mod artists and models like Twiggy, Paul Weller etc, as well as some famous places where mod artists have performed, like Hyde Park. I included these so that those who like those things in particular would be attracted to my magazine, and would want to buy it purely because it included things like that.
My focus group that I talked about on my blog also helped me with the choosing of what colours/themes/things to put into and on my magazine, and how to distribute it etc. One of the main things that I picked up on in my focus group, which I represented in my final product, was that many people, my age in particular (16-17 years), prefer to listen to much more indie/indie rock music other than pop artists, like Kelly Clarkson, Katy Perry, etc. This helped me choose what to theme my magazine on, meaning that I decided upon a more vintage style for my magazine as I believed that it would attract the target audience that I was aiming my magazine at much better. I also took the price into account; I chose to price my magazine at £2.50, as many people in my focus group said that they would not want to pay more than £3 for a magazine.
Showing my target audience my finished product/s, they all agreed that it fulfilled the criteria of an established music magazine. This is because it included all the aspects of a music magazine, like a colour scheme, relevant lettering and fonts and the way things were laid out. The females in particular commented on the makeup that my artist was wearing, saying that it was almost identical to the 1960s model Twiggy, however, before that, they did not know that I had based it on that makeup style. Many of the males that I showed my magazine to stated that they particularly liked the artists that I had used in my magazine, and sad that because of this, they would be attracted to the magazine and would buy it. Both liked the colour scheme that I had used, showing that it is attractive to both genders.
Overall, I believe that I have chosen a good target audience to distribute my final product to, due to the fact that there is a relatively wide range between ages. This wide range will be positive as it means that I can include many different artists in my magazine, meaning that a lot of new artists will get exposure.
Not only this, but because my magazine is including a wide selection of artists from the indie rock genre, it is highly likely that my audience will find an artists and section that suits them. i.e. I have catered to younger teenagers by including prizes to win an iTunes voucher, have catered to older teenagers/young adults buy allowing them to win tickets to upcoming gigs from new and old artists on the scene, and have finally catered to adults who will read my magazine by writing backgrounds on artists such as Arctic Monkeys and The Stone Roses etc, something that I believe will catch their eye.